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Gilbert + Tobin

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Gilbert + Tobin

7.0 rating for Working Hours, based on 82 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
For me, hours have not been too bad. During quiet periods, typically 9-5, during busier period typically 9-7/8.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
The nature of our work means our hours fluctuate greatly, meaning you can have three months of long hours / weekend work, followed by a month with little to no work. This is the nature of the job - however, some teams do not feel comfortable to enjoy the slower months (in preparation for another busy period) because (1) people feel as though facetime is essential and (2) the emphasis placed on hitting your target makes you stressed that a quiet month will just balance out the long hours put in throughout the year.
Lawyer, Perth - 11 Sep 2024
No one is forcing you into the office but yourself, I work as hard as I need to get the job done and meet my targets but no more than that. It's flexible in that you can WFH whenever you need to and come in late / leave early - so long as you're working well / communicating with your team, meeting their needs and getting the work done, that's all that matters. That said, this is a tough job. The performance expectations are very high and the hours are certainly not for everyone.
Lawyer, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Work hours are generally ok - some late nights due to unreasonable clients/deadlines but to be expected. No real flexibility around schedule in such situations, nor the being in-office rules though.
Junior, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
We work at the office 5 days, but if after hours work is required this can usually be done at home
lawyer, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
For the amount of times spent in the office against my average billable hours, I would be unsatisfied. Facetime in the office is a big thing, particularly for our team. Even though we have a flexible working style, it is very difficult to actually adopt, as our partners are not well versed in reaching out over teams / mobile. When in the office, typically the partners cannot catch you until after 4;30-5pm, meaning you often stay late taking instructions. If you have not had a particularly busy day, there definitely is not a culture of leaving early.
Lawyer, Perth - 09 Sep 2024
Quite flexible, although the hours tend to be long
Graduate, Perth - 05 Sep 2024
We work long hours (including late at night and weekends) when client needs demand it. However, we are also given quite a lot of freedom when work is not so busy.
4 PQE, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
As a graduate we are expected to work fairly long hours but this can be done from the office or home
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Aug 2024
They are fairly flexible if you have appointments or commitments. I don't like the hours simply because I think we work too much as lawyers, but that is the business model.
Mid-level lawyer, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
G+T is fairly flexible, and it does depend on your own ability to set boundaries and manage your time. I’ve been able to maintain a weekly commitment to social sport on a weekday evening for as long as I’ve been at G+T. People respect your commitments and will be happy to accommodate so long as you do your part to communicate it and make sure all your work is done.
Lawyer, Sydney - 29 Aug 2024
There is flexibility in terms of how you work (ie. whether you work in the office or WFH, and flexibility to log on and off when it is suitable), but not in terms of how much work you do. There is high expectations that you meet and exceed your billable targets, you're always available and there are no boundaries to out of work hours both on weekdays and on weekends.
Mid Lawyer, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Hours can be long work-wise but G+T is very flexible with WFH - 3 days is the expectation but it is not a strict rule, and they are very accommodating as long as there is clear communication.
Lawyer, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
We have pretty strict targets but the firm is really good about letting us work those hours when it suits us. In smaller teams it's harder to be flexible as there's a bit of pressure to stay in the office with the team.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Company is flexible and supportive, but as a graduate you may do some long hours. I believe it expected in a corporate environment, so no surprises.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
I believe that the firm offers good opportunities to try advanced work as a junior. However, the consequence of this is that I have often had to work late because I have more work to finish and greater responsibility within the team.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
The firm is quite flexible and allows its employees to largely complete their work around other interests and hobbies, unless a particular task is urgent. The firm also provides great support in flexibility of hours to employees undergoing medical issues.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
While we are busy, the firm's policy is generally, as long as you get the work done, you can work come and go as necessary.
Graduate, Perth - 02 Nov 2023
9am-6pm is average, but there is flexibility to leave earlier if the workload allows it.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Oct 2023
I have not worked passed my contractual hours on many occasions, and there is much flexibility around working from home or going home before dinner and logging back on to finish work if needed. We have not been asked to work late and encouraged to go home as early as possible, particularly if we are finished with our tasks for the day.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Oct 2023